The name of the Illuminati is often misused. Many profit-seekers continually create accounts and aliases under the names of our ranking members in an attempt to mislead those who follow our organization.
If a person approaches you online and claims to be an Illuminati member, but their account is not listed on this page, they are not authorized to speak on our behalf. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Be Wary Of Impostors
Many fraudulent groups use our insignia to create unauthorized profiles. Never trust any accounts that aren't listed on this official website.
The Illuminati does not maintain profiles on any of these websites:
Ask.fm, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr.com, Blogspot.com, Snapchat, Periscope, Meerkat
Illuminati Email
All emails from the Illuminati originate from the address: Contact@illuminatiofficialheadcouncil.org
Contact The Illuminati
Messages for the Illuminati may be sent via this page only or by using our WhatsApp messenger and email address.
Press & Media Emails
Communications from our public relations liaisons will originate from the email Contact@illuminatiofficialheadcouncil.org
Press & Media Contact
For inquiries from press and media, contact our associates at +1 (213) 534-8731
As part of our ongoing public outreach, the Illuminati maintains many online destinations for the education and enlightenment of those who seek the truth. Website authorized by our organization is listed below:
The Illuminati initiation fee and cost of initiation items will be demanded only by our authorized initiators and agents. Anyone who solicits money for initiation items in the Illuminati who isn't authorized and verified on this website should be reported to us immediately.
We cannot mislead you into darkness but we will lead you into the light and to obtaining greatness.
Protect your brothers and sisters from those who seek to mislead them. If you witness someone falling prey to a scheme under the guise of our name, it is your duty to give them warning. Your care is highly appreciated and will not go unnoticed.